
If you look in the mirror and notice that one or both eyes have a pinkish tinge, you might be suffering from conjunctivitis. Treatment from your optometrist in Lake Norman can eliminate this eye disease. Lakeside Eye Associates in Huntersville, NC provides family eye care for the entire Lake Norman area.

Overview Of Conjunctivitis

This disorder is a swelling or inflammation of the conjunctiva, the transparent tissue that serves as a lining of the inner eyelid, and as a covering for the white portion of an eye. Some forms of this disease, which is commonly called pink eye, are quite contagious. Conjunctivitis is especially common in children.
This disorder has a number of potential causes, among them:● Bacterial infection● Allergic reaction to substances such as pollen, smoke, chlorine, cosmetic ingredients, or products like contact lenses that touch the eye● Certain diseases that are sexually transmitted● Contaminated makeup or facial lotions● Viruses such as the common cold

Common symptoms include:● Gritty sensation in the affected eye or eyes● Eye burning or itching sensation● Excessive tearing● Eye discharge● Swollen eyelids● Pinkish hue to the white portion of an eye● Heightened light sensitivity

Our optometrist diagnoses pink eye by taking a patient history, performing measurements of visual acuity, and using bright light and magnification to evaluate the conjunctiva and other external parts of the eye. An exam also includes assessing inner eye structures to make sure no other portions have been affected. In some cases, submitting samples of tissue for laboratory analysis is necessary.

Conjunctivitis Treatment In Huntersville

Successful conjunctivitis treatment includes the services of our optometrist as well as self-care. The goal is boosting a patient’s comfort, minimizing the inflammation or infection, and preventing the spread of contagious forms of the disease.Although usually a minor infection, this disorder can grow into a significant vision issue. The right treatment depends of the type of disease present:● Allergic: Our doctor recommends removing exposure to the irritant. Cool compresses, artificial tears, NSAIDs, and antihistamines are treatment staples. Some patients require steroid eye drops.● Bacterial: A course of three to four days of antibiotic drops or ointments is standard.● Viral: The virus could take several weeks to disappear. Cool compresses and artificial tears can bring relief meanwhile.● Chemical: Precise eye flushing using saline is the standard treatment. Eye doctors might need to also prescribe topical steroids.
Patients can also take these self-care steps:● Stop wearing contact lenses temporarily● Avoid touching the eyes● Discard old eye makeup● Change washcloths and towels frequently● Follow your optometrist’s directions on contact lens care

Conjunctivitis FAQs

Conjunctivitis is a common condition of the eye affecting school-age children. The condition affects approximately 3 million children each year. Should also be noted that adults can also contract conjunctivitis. As common as the condition is, parents and school officials often have more questions then they do answers regarding the condition. Here at Lakeside Eye Associates in Huntersville we have compiled the most frequently asked questions regarding pink eye and have answered them here.

  • Can Children Go To School If They Have Conjunctivitis?

    It is not necessary to keep your child out of school the entire time they are being treated for conjunctivitis. If the child has been prescribed an ointment or eye drops by a doctor of Optometry or a physician, they can generally return to daycare or school 24 hours after they have begun their treatment. Pink eye is also caused by inflammation of the outer layer of the eyes due to allergies. In this specific case of conjunctivitis, there is no need for children to remain out of school as this type of condition is not contagious.

  • How Is Conjunctivitis Diagnosed?

    Most people can identify cases of conjunctivitis on their own. It is important however to be seen by a doctor or an optometrist as soon as the symptoms of pink eye appear. An examination by an eye professional or physician will help identify the type of conjunctivitis, and Ensure that the proper diagnosis is made, and treatment can begin as soon as possible.

  • What Are The Symptoms Of Conjunctivitis?

    Whether a case of conjunctivitis is caused by a virus, bacteria or an allergen, there will be redness or swelling involved. There are often symptoms associated with pink eye which vary depending on the source or cause of the condition. It should be noted that it is sometimes difficult to diagnose the condition because several of the same symptoms can appear in all three types of the condition. In the case of bacterial conjunctivitis, the condition can occur in babies after they're born. It can also occur as a byproduct of an ear infection. The discharge from the eyes is thick, not watery. Cases of allergic conjunctivitis are more prone to occur when pollen counts are elevated. The condition is generally accompanied by an uncontrollable itching of the eyes. This type of conjunctivitis occurs in people who have other signs of allergy-related diseases like eczema, asthma or hay fever. Viral conjunctivitis generally accompanies respiratory infections and the common cold. The discharge expelled from the eyes appears watery in the case of viral conjunctivitis.

  • If I Have Pain What Should I Do?

    If you believe you have conjunctivitis and you're experiencing pain, the last thing you need to do is to take an aspirin or something else to control the pain and not see about it. Pain is not a symptom of conjunctivitis. Here at Lakeside Eye Associates in Huntersville, we advise people to see an optometry professional if they are experiencing pain while having what appears to be symptoms of conjunctivitis. There could be a serious eye condition present that needs to be diagnosed and treatment started as soon as possible. To find out more about conjunctivitis and how we treat it here in our office call us at (704) 457-7300 to schedule an appointment today.

Don’t suffer from the aggravation of a bout of pink eye. Call us today at 704-896-3311 to schedule an appointment with your optometrist in Lake Norman, Dr. Brad Hearn. Lakeside Eye Associates offers conjunctivitis treatment and a full range of eye care services to help you experience the best vision possible.